Places Visited Heatmap

I had a list of cities, addresses, landmarks etc. visited by me over the years and I was looking into ways to visualize those. During my search, I came across Google Maps JavaScript API which not only visualizes location data but also has ways to show places which are visited more often than others. But the API needs location data in a specific format with latitue and longitude coordinates in a JavaScript along with weightage for each.

This project is to convert my plain text cities, addresses, landmark etc. data to geographic coordinates and assign weightage to each location. Once I have that, integrate the data with Google Maps to visualize.

Our end result will look like below. This is generated with a smaller set of test data. Complete project is available in my Github places-visited-heatmap

Let’s get started.

Google API Keys

To start with, for both retrieving geographic coordinatesa nd visualizing data, we need free Google API Keys, actually two different keys as - for Geo operations we need “Google Geo API Key” for retrieving geographic coordinates and “Google API Key” for visualizing. To get the keys, all you need is a Google account.

“Google Geo API Key” -

“Google API Key” -

Convert Data

Once you have API keys, we can get started with converting plain text data to geographic coordinates. I am using Go to implementing data transformation.

My input data is going to be a text file with location details. Something like below.

Niagara Falls, NY
San Francisco, CA
Empire State Building, NY
Acadia National Park, Bar Harbour, ME

I open this file and start scanning using bufio. I also create two new output files - to write location data with geographic coordinates, if you are just interested in only converting data and also places_data.js which will be a JavaScript file with location data which will be used by Google Maps JavaScript API to visualize data.

//Read Input File with Locations Data
fileWithLocationData, errReadingLocationData := os.Open("../data/")
fileWithLocationDataScanner := bufio.NewScanner(fileWithLocationData)

//Create file to write output delimited data
locationDataFileWithLatLng, errWritingFileWithLatLng := os.Create("../data/")

//Create file to write output JS for Goolgle Maps Rendering
jsDataForHeatMap, errWritingJSDataForHeatMap := os.Create("../ui/places_data.js")

Once the input file is scanned, we can start reading line by line and process using Geocode API. We will be sending Google geo API key along with the data from input file to the web service and process response JSON to retrieve data corresponding to input. To process JSON we will use this excellent library gjson which helps in parsing response JSON.

From response JSON, we will be reading formatted_address, address_components which will be primarily used only for the output file and not for visualization JavaScript. For visualization, we will be reading & geometry.location.lng (which will also be written to output file)

//Read Google API Key
googleAPIKey, errReadingAPIKey := ioutil.ReadFile("../data/googlegeoapi.key")

//Build Web Service URL
googleAPIBaseURL := "" + string(googleAPIKey) + "&address="

//Call Web Service
googleAPIConstructedURL := googleAPIBaseURL + url.QueryEscape(fileWithLocationDataScanner.Text())
response, errFromAPI := httpClient.Get(googleAPIConstructedURL)
responseBytes, errFromReadResponse := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
responseString := string(responseBytes)

//Process response from service
formattedAddressArray := gjson.Get(responseString, "results.#.formatted_address")
for _, formattedAddress := range formattedAddressArray.Array() {
    fmt.Fprintf(locationDataFileWithLatLng, formattedAddress.String()+"$")
    addressComponentsArray := gjson.Get(responseString, "results."+strconv.Itoa(indexInner)+".address_components.#.short_name")

    for _, addressComponentsArray := range addressComponentsArray.Array() {
        fmt.Fprintf(locationDataFileWithLatLng, addressComponentsArray.String()+"$")
    geometryLocationLat := gjson.Get(responseString, "results."+strconv.Itoa(indexInner)+"")
    geometryLocationLng := gjson.Get(responseString, "results."+strconv.Itoa(indexInner)+".geometry.location.lng")
    fmt.Fprintf(locationDataFileWithLatLng, geometryLocationLat.String()+"$"+geometryLocationLng.String()+"\n")

Now we have all the data we are looking for, we can start building JavaScript data for visualization. If you remember, I was mentioning about assign weightage to each location on how frequent it appears in our input. Which basically means, if I visited location A three times and location B one time, in the map we should show location A with high intensity. That’s done by assigning weight to every location.

Let’s start by creating a struct to hold our data for visualization. We need latitude, longitude and weight.

//LocationHeatMapData - Data structure to hold heat map data
type LocationHeatMapData struct {
    Latitude, Longitude string
    Weight              float64

//LocationHeatMap - Data structure to hold LocationHeatMapData
type LocationHeatMap struct {
    LocationHeatMap []LocationHeatMapData

Now, we have to start loading geographic coordinates data from response JSON to our LocationHeatMapData struct. We will use a constant weight of 0.5 for every location we add. If same geographic coordinates already exists in LocationHeatMapData, then we will increment weight by 0.1. So, more frequently visited places will have a higher weightage compared to rest.

if len(locationHeatMap.LocationHeatMap) == 0 {
    locationHeatMap.LocationHeatMap = append(locationHeatMap.LocationHeatMap,
    LocationHeatMapData{Latitude: geometryLocationLat.String(), Longitude: geometryLocationLng.String(), Weight: 0.5})
} else {
    dataMatchIndex := checkIfValueExists(locationHeatMap, geometryLocationLat.String(), geometryLocationLng.String())
    if dataMatchIndex != -1 {
        locationHeatMap.LocationHeatMap[dataMatchIndex].Weight = locationHeatMap.LocationHeatMap[dataMatchIndex].Weight + 0.1
    } else {
        locationHeatMap.LocationHeatMap = append(locationHeatMap.LocationHeatMap,
        LocationHeatMapData{Latitude: geometryLocationLat.String(), Longitude: geometryLocationLng.String(), Weight: 0.5})

To check for existing location in LocationHeatMapData struct we will use below function

//Function to check if Latitue/Longitue exists in data structure
func checkIfValueExists(locationHeatMapCheck LocationHeatMap, geometryLocationLatCheck, geometryLocationLngCheck string) int {
    for locationDataIndexCheck := 0; locationDataIndexCheck < len(locationHeatMapCheck.LocationHeatMap); locationDataIndexCheck++ {
        if locationHeatMapCheck.LocationHeatMap[locationDataIndexCheck].Latitude == geometryLocationLatCheck &&
            locationHeatMapCheck.LocationHeatMap[locationDataIndexCheck].Longitude == geometryLocationLngCheck {
            return locationDataIndexCheck
    return -1

Finally, we write all the data to places_data.js file under getDataPoints() function which will be used by visualization library in next section

fmt.Fprintf(jsDataForHeatMap, "function getDataPoints() { \n\treturn [\n")
for indexLocationDataWriteIndex := 0; indexLocationDataWriteIndex < len(locationHeatMap.LocationHeatMap); indexLocationDataWriteIndex++ {
    fmt.Fprintf(jsDataForHeatMap, "\t\t{location: new google.maps.LatLng("+
    locationHeatMap.LocationHeatMap[indexLocationDataWriteIndex].Latitude+", "+
    locationHeatMap.LocationHeatMap[indexLocationDataWriteIndex].Longitude+"), weight: "+
    strconv.FormatFloat(locationHeatMap.LocationHeatMap[indexLocationDataWriteIndex].Weight, 'f', 1, 64)+"}")

    if indexLocationDataWriteIndex == len(locationHeatMap.LocationHeatMap)-1 {
        fmt.Fprintf(jsDataForHeatMap, "\n")
    } else {
        fmt.Fprintf(jsDataForHeatMap, ",\n")
fmt.Fprintf(jsDataForHeatMap, "\t]; \n}")

Now, we should have a JavaScript file (places_data.js) like below.

function getDataPoints() { 
return [
        {location: new google.maps.LatLng(36.1699412, -115.1398296), weight: 0.7},
        {location: new google.maps.LatLng(43.0962143, -79.0377388), weight: 0.8},
        {location: new google.maps.LatLng(32.715738, -117.1610838), weight: 0.5}

All we have to do now is to include this JavaScript in a HTML page which will load Google maps and load our location data as a heatmap on the map. For loading Google maps for heatmap visualization, we need Google API Key (not same as Geo API Key)

<script type="text/javascript" src="places_data.js"></script>
<script async defer src=""></script>
    var map, heatmap;
    function initMap() {
        map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
            zoom: 5,
            center: {lat: 40.055347, lng: -101.030931},
            mapTypeId: 'roadmap'
        heatmap = new google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer({
            data: getDataPoints(),
            map: map
        //Radius configuration
        heatmap.set('radius', heatmap.get('radius') ? null : 20);
        //Opacity configuration
        heatmap.set('opacity', 0.8);

Once we load this HTML in browser, it should produce something like below. There are lot of customizations which can be done on the map. All configuration options are documented under Google Documentation. Below screenshot is a vanilla render.

Full source code for all snippets referenced in this article is available in my github page.

Java Bytecode Manipulation

In this article, I will show how to manipulate a compiled class file directly without decompiling it to java.

I will be using Javassist (Java Programming Assistant), an external library for most of this tutorial. Download latest JAR file to get examples work. I am using version rel_3_22_0_cr1-4-g6a3ed31.

Every java file compiled will generate a class file which is a binary file containing Java bytecode which can be executed on any Java Virtual Machine. Since the class files are generally not dependent on the platform they are compiled on, it makes Java applications platform independent. In this article, we will explore how to statically analyze class files, modify them programmatically and execute.

Sample Class for Bytecode Manipulation

We will start with a simple test class (ByteCodeEditorTest) which we will use to modify using Javassist. This class file will get an input from user and check if it matches a predefined value within code and output message accordingly.

public String checkStatus(String _inputString){
    if (_inputString.equals("MAGIC"))
        return "Right!";
    return "Wrong";

Once compiled, and executed below is a sample behaviour of the class. We will modify compiled class file directly to change its behaviour by modifying equality operator.

$ java ByteCodeEditorTest TEST
$ java ByteCodeEditorTest MAGIC

Let’s start by looking at the compiled class file using javap. I have provided snippet of checkStatus() method from test class.

$ javap -c ByteCodeEditorTest
Compiled from ""
  public java.lang.String checkStatus(java.lang.String);
       0: aload_1
       1: ldc           #7      // String MAGIC
       3: invokevirtual #8      // Method java/lang/String.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
       6: ifeq          12
       9: ldc           #9      // String Right!
      11: areturn
      12: ldc           #10     // String Wrong
      14: areturn

The disassembled code contains mnemonic for Java bytecode instructions. We will be heavily using these as a part of bytecode manipulation. Refer to Java bytecode instruction listings Wikipedia article which contains all mnemonic and Opcode for Java bytecode.

Interesting line is on index 6 from disassembled code which contains mnemonic ifeq which compares input string against built in value. Let’s use Javassist to modify equality operator from ifeq to ifne.

Bytecode Manipulation using Javassist

Now that we have our test class and details on what has to be modified in bytecode, let’s create a new class file which loads compiled ByteCodeEditorTest class for manipulation. With Javassist JAR in classpath, let’s load the test class file using javassist.CtClass.

ClassPool _classPool = ClassPool.getDefault();
CtClass _ctClass = _classPool.makeClass(new FileInputStream("ByteCodeEditorTest.class"));

Once ByteCodeEditorTest class is loaded, we will use javassist.CtMethod to extract all the methods from class and then use javassist.bytecode.CodeAttribute & javassist.bytecode.CodeIterator to manipulate the class.

CodeIterator allows us to traverse every bytecode instruction from class file and also provides methods to manipulate them. In our case, from the javap output we know index 6 has to modified to change instruction set from ifeq to ifne. Looking at Opcode reference, hex value for ifne is 9a. We will be using decimal format to update bytecode using CodeIterator.

So we will be using CodeIterator.writeByte() method to update index 6 of ByteCodeEditorTest from exising value to 154 (9a converted to decimal). Below table shows existing value (row1) and new value (row2)

Mnemonic Opcode (Hex) Opcode (Decimal)
ifeq 0x99 153
ifne 0x9a 154
for(CtMethod _ctMethods:_ctClass.getDeclaredMethods()){
    CodeAttribute _codeAttribute = _ctMethods.getMethodInfo().getCodeAttribute();
    CodeIterator _codeIterator = _codeAttribute.iterator();
    while (_codeIterator.hasNext()) {
        int _indexOfCode =;
        int _valueOfIndex8Bit = _codeIterator.byteAt(_indexOfCode);
        //Checking index 6 and if Opcode is ifeq
        if(_valueOfIndex8Bit==153 && _indexOfCode==6) {
            //Changing instruction from ifeq to ifne
            _codeIterator.writeByte(154, _indexOfCode);
//Write changes to class file

Once this code is run, ByteCodeEditorTest class file will be modified with updated instructions. When running javap on ByteCodeEditorTest now, it will produce below result of checkStatus() method.

$ javap -c ByteCodeEditorTest
Compiled from ""
  public java.lang.String checkStatus(java.lang.String);
       0: aload_1
       1: ldc           #7      // String MAGIC
       3: invokevirtual #8      // Method java/lang/String.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
       6: ifne          12
       9: ldc           #9      // String Right!
      11: areturn
      12: ldc           #10     // String Wrong
      14: areturn

As you can see, index 6 is now changed to ifne. Running ByteCodeEditorTest now will produce results which we were after.

$ java ByteCodeEditorTest TEST

ByteCodeEditorTest class file was successfully modified to alter program flow without the need for re-compilation or decompilation.

While this is a simple modification to a class file, we can do complex changes of adding new methods, classes, injecting code etc. using Javassist library. I will cover complex scenarios in another article, but will give a high level overview of frequently used in APIs in next section.

Other Javassist APIs

While I covered bytecode manipulation, Javassist is a powerful library which can be used for complex changes. Highlighting some of those features here.

javassist.CtMethod class can be used to inject new methods to existing class files.

//Defrosts so that the class can be modified
CtMethod _ctMethod = CtNewMethod.make("public int newMethodFromJA() { return 1; }", _ctClass);

javassist.CtMethod class can also be used to inject code to existing class/methods using insertBefore(), insertAfter() and insertAt() methods.

for(CtMethod method:_ctClass.getDeclaredMethods()){
    //Defrosts so that the class can be modified
    method.insertBefore("System.out.println(\"Before every method call....\");");

Javassist can also be used for static analysis of class files by displaying all method code (disassembled) of a class file or to display bytecode of a class file.

//Display Method Code
PrintStream _printStream = new PrintStream(System.out);
InstructionPrinter instructionPrinter = new InstructionPrinter(_printStream);
for(CtMethod method:_ctClass.getDeclaredMethods()){
    System.out.println("Method: " + method.getName());
//Display Bytecode
for(CtMethod _ctMethods:_ctClass.getDeclaredMethods()){
    System.out.println("Method: " +_ctMethods.getName());
    CodeAttribute _codeAttribute = _ctMethods.getMethodInfo().getCodeAttribute();
    CodeIterator _codeIterator = _codeAttribute.iterator();
    while (_codeIterator.hasNext()) {
        int _indexOfInstruction =;
        int _indexValue8Bit = _codeIterator.byteAt(_indexOfInstruction);

Full source code for all snippets referenced in this article is available in my github page.